
Hi, I’m Shanice Jones Cameron. I’m an educator and Communication researcher studying Black women’s digital health and well-being networks.

Professional bio

Education and Research

Shanice Jones Cameron is an assistant professor of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Shanice is also a core faculty member of the Health & Medical Humanities program at the University of North Carolina Charlotte. She is also a faculty affiliate of the Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life (CITAP) at UNC Chapel Hill.

Shanice earned her PhD in Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2022 and a master’s degree in Communication Studies from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2018. She also earned a B.A. in English and a B.A. in Political Science from North Carolina Central University. Her areas of interest are media studies, critical health communication, and Black feminism. Shanice primarily relies on qualitative methods.

Shanice’s dissertation is titled, Locating the Everyday: Black Women, Well-being, and Digital Media. She is utilizing digital ethnographic methods, including semi-structured interviews and participant observation, to explore Black women’s health and well-being discourses that are distributed through information and communication technologies.

These digital health networks and communities are significant, in part, because they disrupt dominant understandings about Black women’s health (and biomedical frameworks) and simultaneously illuminate how marginalized groups use these technologies for cultural expression.

These digital networks also offer insight into the ways in which Black women, as internet users, seize upon the affordances of social media for their individual interests and collective health advocacy.

– Shanice

Publications & Media

Be Still, Be Present: Black Girl Yoga and Digital Counter Spaces (peer-reviewed)

My peer-reviewed article, Be Still, Be Present: Black Girl Yoga and Digital Counter Spaces, was published in Race and Yoga in November 2019.

Critical Disinformation Studies: A Syllabus

I had the pleasure of contributing to the Critical Disinformation Studies syllabus alongside Alice Marwick, Rachel Kuo, and Moira Wegel. In the syllabus, we argue that disinformation is one key way that whiteness, heteronormativity, and class privilege have been reinforced and reproduced in the United States.

Marwick, A., Kuo, R., Cameron, S. J. & Weigel, M. (2021). Critical Disinformation Studies: A Syllabus. Center for Information, Technology, & Public Life (CITAP), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. https://citap.unc.edu/critical-disinfo.

Somatic Podcast: Race, Social Media, and Yoga (Episode 16)

I was featured on the Somatic Podcast in September 2020. I discussed Black women’s engagement with modern postural yoga and the importance of digital wellness spaces for Black women.

Grad Girl Wellness Podcast: Right on Time (Episode 9)

I was featured on the Grad Girl Wellness podcast in March 2021. I discussed my experience with parenting as a graduate student, self-care, time management, and the importance of creativity.

Black Mom Collective: Fireside Chat on Motherhood and Belonging

I was featured on the Black Mom Collective in July 2020. I discussed belonging and navigating graduate school as a mother.

About me

In addition to research and teaching, I’m also a (twin) mom of 3, web designer, vegan, long distance runner, yoga practitioner, home decor enthusiast, and content creator.

Get in Touch

Thanks for stopping by! If you would like me to speak at your event, participate in a podcast interview, or collaborate in another capacity, please feel free to send me an email.

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